
Brand Identity · Web Design · Web Development

About Acurast

Acurast connects developers to real-world data providers via its marketplace on the Acurast blockchain, enabling access to data within their blockchain applications.

graphical user interface

Main Page Intro

The intro section gives instant insight into what the company is doing. The lines on the black background simultaneously refer to data transferring and the metaphor of the universe — the lines resemble the rings of Saturn.

graphical user interfacegraphical user interface

Brand Metaphor

The main symbol of the concept is a portal. Acurast transfers data from the real world to blockchain applications through the portal. During the transition, the data's transformation is visualized through changes in color and gradient.

graphical user interface

Main Page Section

The metaphor of the portal is evident throughout the graphic — this allows the brand to be recognized even without a logo.

mobile versionmobile versionmobile version

Main Page, Mobile

The simple but expressive organization of space is maintained even on small screens. Because it is simple.

graphical shapes

Visuals for Social Media

The use of 3D expands the visual vocabulary of the brand and therefore helps generate interest.

graphical user interface

Data Consumers Page Section

Brand graphics uses simple vector forms, so you can quickly create a new one.

first sectionfirst sectionfirst section

Inner Pages — First Section

Inner pages are consistent, but use color coding and other techniques to engage and create a sense of context.

branding guide

Express Branding Guide

We established short guidelines for using visual graphics and created a visual system for brand communication.

Design: Tim Lebedev

Development: Tim Lebedev, Miusov Dmytro

Art direction: Anastasia Sycheva
